Society for Human Rights in Iran- Southern California
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Mail: P.O.Box 641875 Los Angeles, CA 90064-6875
Society for Human Rights in Iran- Southern California (SHRI-SC) expresses its strongest concern at the reports that execution of Habibollah Latifi has been scheduled for December 26.
Habibollah Latifi, a Kurdish student of the Azad University in the province of Ilam, has been in solitary confinement since January 16 2010. The Iranian authorities have informed his lawyer that his execution is scheduled to take place on December 26 at Sanandaj prison in Kurdistan.
Habibollah Latifi was arrested on October 23 2007 in Sanandaj and sentenced to death on July 3rd 2008 following an unfair trial by the Sanandaj Revolutionary Court. He was convicted of moharebeh (enmity against God), a vague but capital charge, in connection with his membership of and alleged activities on behalf of the Kurdish Independent Life Party (PJAK), a proscribed armed group. His trial was held behind closed doors and his lawyer was not allowed to be present to defend him. Nor was his family allowed to attend the trial. The Appeal Court in Sanandaj upheld his death sentence on February 18 2009.
We are urging Iranian authorities to halt execution of Habibollah Latifi, and commute his death sentence that imposed for political offences and after an unfair trial.
Los Angles, December 24 ,2010
Meet NAYEREH TOHIDI. Nayereh is a human rights activist and scholar from Iran. She is a professor and the chair of the Department for Gender Studies and Women's Studies at California State University. Her areas of specialization and research include religion (Islam), the sociology of gender, and ethnicity and democracy in post-Soviet Central Eurasia and in the Middle East. She is the editor and author of an extensive body of publications about feminism and democracy, women's rights, and Islam. Nayereh is a visiting scholar at Universities of Minnesota, Iowa, Southern California, California Los Angeles and Harvard University.
Nayereh has served as a consultant for gender and development, as well as women and civil society projects with the United Nations, including work for UNICEF, ILO and UNDP. She has been involved in both the "Stop Stoning Forever Campaign" and the "One Million Signatures Campaign" for women's rights in Iran.
Watch Nayereh talk about her work.